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Two Wheeler

Four Wheeler

Heavy Vehicles


School Solutions

AIS 140


Who We Are?

Acumen Track GPS tracking system Keep your vehicle, fleet, kids, old parents and pets safe with GPS tracking systems from AcumenTrack.Our varied and battery run devices will fulfill each need you have. Receive real-time location data of your fleet, when they are thousands of miles away from you. Monitor the speed they are maintaining, the route they are taking and the direction of their movement. Catch idling drivers red-handed, catch employees who are using company vehicles for personal purposes, reach out to your vehicles when they meet an accident or be alerted when your car is moving away from the place where it ideally should be. these features come to you for a next to nothing cost. Moreover, you don’t need to stay glued to the computer screen for the feedback, we arrange to send these data to your handheld devices as well.

Our Services

E Lock Tracking

 GPS E-LOCK is an intelligent tracking lock device for asset management systems.Designed unlock not by key, but by RFID/remotely password; With big capacity battery, long working time; Built-in wireless module, The application can be container, trailer, Van type trucks and other types of trucks remote monitoring system.

Pet Tracking

The animal lovers are the most soft hearted person on the earth who can understand the pets values not less than human,some time pets go out and do not come back for many hours, We provide pets tracker also which gives the exact location of the pets and keeps them safe.

Awesome Features

Real Time Tracking

Acumen Track provides real time tracking on android web/IOS platforms from anywhere, even your vehicle is thousand miles away from you but still you can know the real time location of your vehicle on map or satellite view.

90 Days Play-back

 We provide 90 days data for previous traveled days, in case you would like to know the route and traveled summary for any particular date, simply go to the playback option, customize date and and see the travel  history with specific time,place and route traveled.

Over Speed Alert

If your vehicle moves more than 80 km speed more than 1 minute , you will instantly get the alert on your mobile app

Engine Cut-OFF

You can remotely cut-off the engine of your vehicle from anywhere in case of any emergency or theft, Once you lock your engine, no one can start the engine again until you do not unlock it.


Detect movement of vehicles beyond predetermined geographical boundaries for billing and security purposes

Ignition ON-OFF Alert

As soon as your vehicle ignition switch ON/OFF, you will instantly get the alert with the location on your mobile app.

Say less and do more

 BLS(Bottom Line Solutions) represent the next generation of telematics.

Stay tuned for better data analysis, done by smart machine learning algorithams which provide actual operational conclusions.

Countries Covered
Distributors globally
RUR Founded
Data points collected daily
$ Saved for clients in 2017

Our Solutions


GEO Fence

Detect movement of vehicles beyond predetermined geographical boundaries for billing and security purposes

Safe Mode Anti-Theft

Protect your  vehicle    from unwanted thefts.  Anti-theft systems are designed to raise the difficulty of theft to an infeasible (but not necessarily impossible) level.

90 Days Playback

We provide 90 days data for previous traveled days, in case you would like to know the route and traveled summary for any particular date, simply go to the playback option, customize date and and see the travel  history with specific time,place and route traveled.

Preventive Maintenance

Countless data points are collected and analyzed to provide straightforward insights for maintaining optimal vehicle maintenance and efficiency. Actively track your equipment’s diagnostics and attain uninterrupted uptime with condition-based maintenance. Let your machines tell you when they need attention.

Remote Site Control (NOC)

With the full range of hardware and software, GalooliPOWER provides seamless integration and real time transmission of all assets to display the most accurate status onsite.

Power Management

View fuel and hybrid management all at a single glance. The ZON Control® tracks all remote devices from smokes sensors to grid and solar panel usage. The most comprehensive all-integrated software for remote site management.

Why We Are Better


 Multi-Solutions on one connected platform, customizable for a variety of users.

Service & Support

Investes heavily in providing our partners and clients with exceptional service and support

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction guaranteed . We have 100% customer satisfaction policy, to ensure this we have dedicated support Desk operational from 10:00 AM to 7:00 Pm Mon to Sat

Fleet Expenditure

Vehicle Maintennance

Galooli equips fleet managers with true BI insights to troubleshoot and predict mechanical faults with precision. Let your vehicle tell you when it needs your attention. Using Galooli’s solutions can reduce your company’s maintenance and repair costs by up to 20%. Galooli’s Solution

Fuel Efficiency

Galooli’s Solution enables fuel usage analytics, as well as real time behaviour. Make better decisions on fuel economy, prevent fraud and reduce fuel cost dramatically. Galooli can save you 40% on fuel cost by improving our fuel analysis behavior. Galooli’s Solution

Data Management

Galooli’s solutions offers top-of-the line reporting system,flexible, intuitive, all in one place. Find what’s relevant to you: driver saftey scorecard, fuel trend report, weekly idle cost, in-vehicle alert for major events. Galooli’s Solution